Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mexican Jerry Springer is the Funniest

Im currently working 4 am-6 pm shifts outside Gainesville, TX. Its not bad work...once we got our tools set up we really dont do much but watch computer screens for 12 hours. I've played alot of XBox and watched the following films:

Get Him to the Greek-Way better than I thought it would be

Grown Ups


Jonah Hex

Machete- I was simply stunned how awsomely bad this movie was

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

Robin Hood

The Social Network


All 4 Indiana Jones'

The first 3 Harry Potters

Garden State

The Sorcerers Apprentice

And the whole first season of "Its always Sunny"

Tough job I know......I am running out of movies. One of the highlights is when I actually get to the hotel and flipping through and catching Mexican Channels. So far I have come up with a list that seems to be in every Show:
1) Big ass fake titties-seriously, every woman in every show has these
2) Rediculous rules for game shows

Just what the hell is going on here

Some times I just sit back and really wish I knew Spanish well enough to know what the hell is going on. I ran across this one time on a Lacrosse trip. We were sitting in the hotel room wondering what the hell was going on so I call up a player down the hall who is originally from Venezuela. I said "hey hurry down to our room we need you real quick". We hear the door bust open down the hall, heavy footsteps coming down the hall, and an out of breath Alex Perez standing in our door. We say, "Please tell us what is going on", not knowing that we woke him up from a nap and he thought there was an emergency. Needless to say he wasnt happy and I still dont know what is going on.

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