Monday, November 8, 2010

....dary. This weekend was Legendary.

Friday afternoon arrives and 12 people make the trip down for the LSU game here. Darby, Thomas, Tweeder, Hunter & Ginger, Will Hodges, Sarah & Will, and new friends Wes and Elaina. As soon as they get here, Darby decides to "ICE" me from the game "Bros Icing Bros". Needless to say I was not happy. Check out the rules here.

According to the rules, the following photographic evidence must be shown.

I just got iced........bro

Since a trip to South Louisiana would not be complete without Cajun food, I took everybody to Randols here in Lafayette, one of the best places for this sort of thing. Everybody really enjoyed it, to the point where i thought Darby was gonna make love to his Etoufee. We go out that night to a bar near the house and partied pretty hard and got in pretty late. Everyone fit into the apt pretty comfortable between my beds, couch, and air matresses they brought. In the morning we started getting up about 8 and by 9:30 everyone is dressed and ready to go (an impressive feat with two showers and 13 people-including 3 girls).

We made it to campus by about 12 because traffic was awful. We are clearly outnumbered here. Its like that anytime you go to an away game but it seems like there are expecially few Bama fans down here. And contrary to popular belief, all the fans arn't bad down here, its just that the ones that are bad make up for it by being super awful. One guy gave us all beers and gumbo on our way to the stadium because I recognized the high school jacket he was wearing was from Lafayette. On the flip side I gave some dude a high five after the game, he then realized I was an Alabama fan and asked if I wanted to fight about it. I declined his invitation.

Thomas, Will, Hunter, Sarah, Darby, Ginger, Stephen, Will Hodges, Wes, Tweeder....Elaina was taking the picture

So we make it to the game and I am sitting with Thomas on the first row of the 17 yd line. Pretty cool seats but we speant about 80% of the game watching the jumbotron.
I will say this, Alabama is a good team, just not a great team that we have been the last two years. To beat Bama, you have to play a perfect game and hop we make mistakes. USC and LSU did exactly this. They made the plays that they had to, and took advantage of our mistakes. All credit goes to those teams. We as a fanbase got a little spoiled these last two years but hopefully we will back to form next year when our defense is not so young. Hell, Bear Bryant was at Alabama for 26 years and had quite a few 8-4, 7-5 seasons. You simply cannot be great all the time.

These seats were super close to the field, so much so that you couldnt see over the players on the sidelines

After the game we end up meeting up with Darby's cousin Paul who lives in Baton Rouge. He showed us around and took us to a tailgate. They had so much food and drink at this thing it was amazing, including the best muffalettas I have ever had. They also had frozen applesauce and moonshine. Lets just say it gets you there quick. Elaina was the only one of us that didnt go to the game. She went to a bar during and.....lets just say had such a good time that this happened at the tailgate.

And boom goes the dynamite

We went out to a bar and most of the group was ready to go back to Lafayette. I gave them my keys and Darby, Paul and his girlfriend, and I all stayed at the bar and stayed the night at Pauls.

Paul drove us back to Lafayette the next morning and when I got there everyone was up and actually had the house clean. That was a huge help let me tell you. One of the funnier stories from the weekend came between Thomas and Ginger. Thomas is uber-competitive and likes to be the best he can at anything he is doing. Ginger and he both buy scatch off lottery tickets and Ginger wins some money. She kept trading them in for more tickets. Thomas bought the same amount of tickets and won squat. He was getting so frustrated that he wasnt a game of chance. He was almost as frustrated as Tweeder was when Thomas was beating him in NFL Blitz for the Nintendo 64 after talking trash all the way from Tuscaloosa. Since i've known Thomas, I think he is, and this is approx., 800 wins-1 loss at that game.

Ovearall I think it went well. 72 hours, 13 people, gallons of booze, no accidental deaths or dismemberments in hostile territory.....i'd have to say it was Legendary

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